Aminet 2
Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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Text File
2,125 lines
# #
# Lout @DocumentLayout package (Version 2.0) #
# #
# Version 1.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, 17 July 1991. #
# Version 2.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, 22 December 1992. #
# #
# This Lout package contains the basic definitions for documents, such as #
# simple documents, technical reports, and books. See "A Beginners' Guide #
# to Lout" for user information. #
# #
# Modified by Jeffrey H. Kingston, 22 June 1993, to (a) add an option to #
# turn off running titles; (b) fix a bug which was allowing an odd number #
# of introductory pages to be generated; (c) bring English-language #
# specific parts to the surface so that they can be changed easily; (d) #
# fix a bug with @BeginFigures and @BeginTables. #
# #
@InitialFont @InitialBreak @Hyphenate
@MajorHeadingFont @HeadingFont @MinorHeadingFont @ParaGap @ParaIndent
@DispGap @DispIndent @DefaultIndent @WideIndent @VeryWideIndent
@Roman @UCRoman @Alpha @UCAlpha @Months @ShortMonths
@WeekDays @ShortWeekDays
"--" "---" @Bullet @ParSym @SectSym @Dagger @DaggerDbl @CDot @Sterling
@Yen @Florin @Star @Degree @Minute @Second @Multiply @Divide @Lozenge
@Register @CopyRight @TradeMark
@R @I @B @S @MajorHeading @Heading @MinorHeading "^" "&-" @Date
associate associates declination obligatory philanthropic present presents
project projects reciprocity recognizance reformation retribution table
@Runner @PageMark @PageOf @NumberOf
@BAD @BeginAlignedDisplays
@EAD @EndAlignedDisplays
@BND @BeginNumberedDisplays
@END @EndNumberedDisplays
@D @Display
@LD @LeftDisplay
@ID @IndentedDisplay
@CD @CentredDisplay @CenteredDisplay
@AD @AlignedDisplay
@LAD @LeftAlignedDisplay
@IAD @IndentedAlignedDisplay
@CAD @CentredAlignedDisplay @CenteredAlignedDisplay
@ND @NumberedDisplay
@LND @LeftNumberedDisplay
@IND @IndentedNumberedDisplay
@CND @CentredNumberedDisplay @CenteredNumberedDisplay
@AND @AlignedNumberedDisplay
@LAND @LeftAlignedNumberedDisplay
@IAND @IndentedAlignedNumberedDisplay
@CAND @CentredAlignedNumberedDisplay @CenteredAlignedNumberedDisplay
@RD @RawDisplay
@RLD @RawLeftDisplay
@RID @RawIndentedDisplay
@RCD @RawCentredDisplay @RawCenteredDisplay
@RAD @RawAlignedDisplay
@RLAD @RawLeftAlignedDisplay
@RIAD @RawIndentedAlignedDisplay
@RCAD @RawCentredAlignedDisplay @RawCenteredAlignedDisplay
@RND @RawNumberedDisplay
@RLND @RawLeftNumberedDisplay
@RIND @RawIndentedNumberedDisplay
@RCND @RawCentredNumberedDisplay @RawCenteredNumberedDisplay
@RAND @RawAlignedNumberedDisplay
@RLAND @RawLeftAlignedNumberedDisplay
@RIAND @RawIndentedAlignedNumberedDisplay
@RCAND @RawCentredAlignedNumberedDisplay
@LI @ListItem
@EL @EndList
@RLL @RawLeftList
@RCL @RawCentredList @RawCenteredList
@LL @LeftList
@CL @CentredList @CenteredList
@RIL @RawIndentedList
@RNL @RawNumberedList
@RPNL @RawParenNumberedList
@RRL @RawRomanList
@RPRL @RawParenRomanList
@RUCRL @RawUCRomanList
@RPUCRL @RawParenUCRomanList
@RAL @RawAlphaList
@RPAL @RawParenAlphaList
@RUCAL @RawUCAlphaList
@RPUCAL @RawParenUCAlphaList
@RBL @RawBulletList
@RSL @RawStarList
@RDL @RawDashList
@IL @IndentedList
@NL @NumberedList
@PNL @ParenNumberedList
@RL @RomanList
@PRL @ParenRomanList
@UCRL @UCRomanList
@PUCRL @ParenUCRomanList
@AL @AlphaList
@PAL @ParenAlphaList
@UCAL @UCAlphaList
@PUCAL @ParenUCAlphaList
@BL @BulletList
@SL @StarList
@DL @DashList
@TI @TagItem
@RTL @RawTaggedList
@RWTL @RawWideTaggedList
@RVWTL @RawVeryWideTaggedList
@TL @TaggedList
@WTL @WideTaggedList
@VWTL @VeryWideTaggedList
@Document @Doc @Report @Book # root galley objects
@Abstract @Preface @Introduction # outer level galleys
@Chapter @Section @Appendix @Text @ColText
@Figure @EndFigures @Table @EndTables # inner level galleys
@Reference @RefStyle @RefPrint
@ReferenceSection @Ref @ChapRefSection @ChapRef
@IndexSection @Index @SubIndex @SubSubIndex @RawIndex
@RawSubIndex @RawSubSubIndex @IndexBlanks
def @DocumentLayout
named @InitialFont { Times Base 12p } # initial font
named @InitialBreak { adjust 1.20fx } # initial break
named @Hyphenate { Yes } # Want hyphenation? Yes or No
named @MajorHeadingFont { Bold 2.0f } # font for major headings
named @HeadingFont { Bold } # font for ordinary headings
named @MinorHeadingFont { Bold } # font for minor headings
named @BookCoverFont { Helvetica Base } # font for book cover
named @ParaGap { 1.30vx } # gap between paragraphs
named @ParaIndent { 2.00f } # paragraph first-line indent
named @DispGap { 1.00v } # gap above and below displays
named @DispIndent { 2.00f } # @IndentedDisplay indent
named @DefaultIndent { 0.5rt } # @Display indent
named @WideIndent { 4.00f } # @WideTaggedList indent
named @VeryWideIndent { 8.00f } # @VeryWideTaggedList indent
named @PageWidth { 8.50i } # width of page
named @PageHeight { 11.0i } # height of page
named @PageMargin { 2.50c } # size of all four margins
named @Columns { Single } # Single, Double, Multi
named @DoubleColWidth { 7.50c } # column width used by Double
named @MultiColWidth { 4.67c } # column width used by Multi
named @ColGap { 1.00c } # gap between columns
named @TopGap { 0.75c } # gap between figures
named @MidGap { 0.75c } # gap above and below body text
named @FootNoteFont { 0.80f } # font for footnotes
named @FootNoteBreak { 1.20fx } # break for footnotes
named @FootLen { 2.00c } # footnote line and indent size
named @ColFootLen { 1.20c } # @FootLen when Double, Multi
named @FootGap { 0.20c } # gap between footnotes
named @MakeIndex { No } # Want index? Yes or No
named @IndexColumns { Double } # Single, Double, Multi
named @TableOfContents { No } # Want contents? Yes or No
named @MajorContentsGap { 1.30v } # gap above major entry
named @ContentsGap { 1.00v } # gap above ordinary entry
named @ChapterNumbers { Yes } # Yes or No
named @SectionNumbers { Yes } # Yes or No
named @SubSectionNumbers { Yes } # Yes or No
named @AppendixNumbers { Yes } # Yes or No
named @SubAppendixNumbers{ Yes } # Yes or No
named @ChapterGap { 1.10b } # gap before each chapter
named @SectionGap { 2.00v } # gap before each section
named @SubSectionGap { 1.50v } # gap before each subsection
named @AppendixGap { 2.00v } # gap before each appendix
named @SubAppendixGap { 2.00v } # gap before each subappendix
named @PageNumbers { Yes } # Want page numbers? Yes or No
named @FirstPageNumber { 1 } # Number of first page
named @RunningTitles { Yes } # Want running titles? Yes/No
named @PageOneTopFormat right @PageNum { @Null }
named @PageOneFootFormat right @PageNum { @Null }
named @PageTopFormat right @PageNum { |0.5rt - @PageNum - }
named @PageFootFormat right @PageNum { @Null }
named @BookTitleFormat right @Title { Bold @Font @Title }
# #
# Complete list of English-language-specific output in this package. #
# To translate to another language, change these but also change the #
# "standard" database in $(LIBDIR)/data/standard.ld (don't forget to #
# delete standard.li if you change standard.ld). #
# #
def @ContentsWord { Contents }
def @ReferencesWord { References }
def @FigureWord { Figure }
def @TableWord { Table }
def @AbstractWord { ABSTRACT }
def @PrefaceWord { Preface }
def @IntroductionWord { Introduction }
def @ChapterWord { Chapter }
def @AppendixWord { Appendix }
def @IndexWord { Index }
# #
# @Protect x #
# #
# Like @CNP, this reserves space on the current page or else makes sure #
# x appears on the following page. Lookahead is proportional to font #
# size. #
# #
def @Protect right x { 3.0f @High //0io // x }
# #
# @HLine #
# #
# Draws a horizontal line to fill available space. #
# #
def @HLine { {0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto stroke} @Graphic {} }
# #
# Symbols stored in the "standard" database: #
# #
# @Roman lower case Roman numerals i, ii, ... , c #
# @UCRoman upper case Roman numerals I, II, ... , C #
# @Alpha lower case Roman alphabet a, b, ... , z #
# @UCAlpha upper case Roman alphabet A, B, ... , Z #
# @Months months of the year: January, ... , December #
# @ShortMonths months of the year, abbreviated: Jan, ... , Dec #
# @WeekDays days of the week: Sunday, ... , Saturday #
# @ShortWeekDays days of the week, abbreviated: Sun, ... , Sat #
# #
def @Roman left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
def @UCRoman left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
def @Alpha left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
def @UCAlpha left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
def @Months left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
def @ShortMonths left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
def @WeekDays left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
def @ShortWeekDays left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
@SysDatabase @Roman @UCRoman @Alpha @UCAlpha @Months
@ShortMonths @WeekDays @ShortWeekDays
{ standard }
# #
# Selected characters from Adobe's fonts. #
# #
def "--" { @Char "endash" }
def "---" { @Char "emdash" }
def @Bullet { @Char "bullet" }
def @ParSym { @Char "paragraph" }
def @SectSym { @Char "section" }
def @Dagger { @Char "dagger" }
def @DaggerDbl { @Char "daggerdbl" }
def @CDot { @Char "periodcentered" }
def @Sterling { @Char "sterling" }
def @Yen { @Char "yen" }
def @Florin { @Char "florin" }
def @Star { { Symbol Base } @Font @Char "asteriskmath" }
def @Degree { { Symbol Base } @Font @Char "degree" }
def @Minute { { Symbol Base } @Font @Char "minute" }
def @Second { { Symbol Base } @Font @Char "second" }
def @Multiply { { Symbol Base } @Font @Char "multiply" }
def @Divide { { Symbol Base } @Font @Char "divide" }
def @Lozenge { { Symbol Base } @Font @Char "lozenge" }
def @Register { { Symbol Base } @Font @Char "registersans" }
def @CopyRight { { Symbol Base } @Font @Char "copyrightsans" }
def @TradeMark { { Symbol Base } @Font @Char "trademarksans" }
# #
# Miscellaneous. #
# #
def @R right x { Base @Font x }
def @I right x { Slope @Font x }
def @B right x { Bold @Font x }
def @S right x { @OneRow { //0.04fo 0.8f @Font x } }
def "^" { {} ^& {} }
def "&-" left x right y { x &0ch y }
def @MajorHeading right x { ragged @Break @MajorHeadingFont @Font x }
def @Heading right x { ragged @Break @HeadingFont @Font x }
def @MinorHeading right x { ragged @Break @MinorHeadingFont @Font x }
def @Date { @Moment&&now @Open {@Day {@Months&&@Month}, @Century{@Year}} }
# #
# Exception list for hyphenation. #
# #
def associate { "as" &- "so" &- "ciate" }
def associates { "as" &- "so" &- "ciates" }
def declination { "dec" &- "li" &- "na" &- "tion" }
def obligatory { "oblig" &- "a" &- "tory" }
def philanthropic { "phil" &- "an" &- "thropic" }
def present { "present" }
def presents { "presents" }
def project { "project" }
def projects { "projects" }
def reciprocity { "reci" &- "procity" }
def recognizance { "re" &- "cog" &- "ni" &- "zance" }
def reformation { "ref" &- "or" &- "ma" &- "tion" }
def retribution { "ret" &- "ri" &- "bu" &- "tion" }
def table { "ta" &- "ble" }
def Associate { "As" &- "so" &- "ciate" }
def Associates { "As" &- "so" &- "ciates" }
def Declination { "Dec" &- "li" &- "na" &- "tion" }
def Obligatory { "Oblig" &- "a" &- "tory" }
def Philanthropic { "Phil" &- "an" &- "thropic" }
def Present { "Present" }
def Presents { "Presents" }
def Project { "Project" }
def Projects { "Projects" }
def Reciprocity { "Reci" &- "procity" }
def Recognizance { "Re" &- "cog" &- "ni" &- "zance" }
def Reformation { "Ref" &- "or" &- "ma" &- "tion" }
def Retribution { "Ret" &- "ri" &- "bu" &- "tion" }
def Table { "Ta" &- "ble" }
# #
# Page and item markers. @Runner is used only by books. #
# #
export @Tag
def @PageMarker
right @Tag
def @PageMark
right x
@PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged x
def @PageOf
right x
@PageMarker&&x @Open { @Tag }
export @Tag
def @NumberMarker
right @Tag
def @NumberOf
right x
@NumberMarker&&x @Open { @Tag }
export @TopOdd @TopEven @FootOdd @FootEven
def @Runner
named @TopOdd right @PageNum { @Null }
named @TopEven right @PageNum { @Null }
named @FootOdd right @PageNum { @Null }
named @FootEven right @PageNum { @Null }
named @Tag {}
{ @Null
# #
# @Hyph x #
# #
# Return "hyphen" if x is "Yes" or "yes", else "nohyphen". #
# #
def @Hyph right x
x @Case {
{Yes yes} @Yield "hyphen"
else @Yield "nohyphen"
# #
# x @OrElse y #
# #
# This returns x unless its value is "dft", in which case it returns y. #
# Useful for defaulting the value of one parameter to another. #
# #
def @OrElse
left x
right y
x @Case {
dft @Yield y
else @Yield x
# #
# Paragraphs. #
# #
macro @PP { //@ParaGap @ParaIndent @Wide &0i }
macro @LP { //@ParaGap }
macro @DP { //@DispGap }
macro @NP { //1.1b }
macro @CNP { // 3.2v @High //0io // }
# #
# Beginning and ending of aligned displays. #
# #
def @APlace { @Galley }
def @EndAlignedPlace { @Galley }
def @AlignedPlace { @Galley }
def @BAligned into { @APlace&&preceding }
def @AlignedList { @AlignedPlace /1.1b @AlignedList }
//1.1b @AlignedList
// @EndAlignedPlace
macro @BAD { // @APlace | @BAligned }
def @EAD force into { @EndAlignedPlace&&preceding } {}
macro @BeginAlignedDisplays { @BAD }
macro @EndAlignedDisplays { @EAD }
# #
# Beginning and ending of numbered displays. #
# #
def @BeginNumberedPlace { @Galley }
def @EndNumberedPlace { @Galley }
def @NextNumberPlace { @Galley }
def @NNumber into { @NextNumberPlace&&following } {}
macro @NN { @NNumber @BeginNumberedPlace }
def @BNumbered into { @BeginNumberedPlace&&preceding }
named style right tag { (tag) }
named start { 1 }
def @NList right num
|1rt style num & @NumberMarker num & @NextNumberPlace
// @NList @Next num
// @NList start
// @EndNumberedPlace
macro @BND { // @BeginNumberedPlace // @BNumbered }
def @END force into { @EndNumberedPlace&&preceding } {}
macro @BeginNumberedDisplays { @BND }
macro @EndNumberedDisplays { @END }
# #
# Galleys which carry displays to their places. #
# #
def @DispPlace { @Galley }
def @Disp into { @DispPlace&&preceding }
right x
@OneRow x
def @NDisp into { @DispPlace&&preceding }
named @Tag {}
right x
@OneRow {
@NumberMarker&&following @Tagged @Tag
@PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
@OneRow x
def @ADisp into { @AlignedPlace&&preceding }
right x
@OneRow x
def @ANDisp into { @AlignedPlace&&preceding }
named @Tag {}
right x
@OneRow {
@NumberMarker&&following @Tagged @Tag
@PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
@OneRow x
# #
# Displays and raw displays. #
# #
macro @G { |@DefaultIndent }
macro @LG { | }
macro @IG { |@DispIndent }
macro @CG { |0.5rt }
macro @D { @DP @G @DispPlace | @DP // @Disp }
macro @LD { @DP @LG @DispPlace | @DP // @Disp }
macro @ID { @DP @IG @DispPlace | @DP // @Disp }
macro @CD { @DP @CG @DispPlace | @DP // @Disp }
macro @AD { @DP @G @APlace | @DP // @ADisp }
macro @LAD { @DP @LG @APlace | @DP // @ADisp }
macro @IAD { @DP @IG @APlace | @DP // @ADisp }
macro @CAD { @DP @CG @APlace | @DP // @ADisp }
macro @ND { @DP @G @DispPlace |1rt @NN @DP // @NDisp }
macro @LND { @DP @LG @DispPlace |1rt @NN @DP // @NDisp }
macro @IND { @DP @IG @DispPlace |1rt @NN @DP // @NDisp }
macro @CND { @DP @CG @DispPlace |1rt @NN @DP // @NDisp }
macro @AND { @DP @G @APlace |1rt @NN @DP // @ANDisp }
macro @LAND { @DP @LG @APlace |1rt @NN @DP // @ANDisp }
macro @IAND { @DP @IG @APlace |1rt @NN @DP // @ANDisp }
macro @CAND { @DP @CG @APlace |1rt @NN @DP // @ANDisp }
macro @RD { @G @DispPlace | @Disp }
macro @RLD { @LG @DispPlace | @Disp }
macro @RID { @IG @DispPlace | @Disp }
macro @RCD { @CG @DispPlace | @Disp }
macro @RAD { @G @APlace | @ADisp }
macro @RLAD { @LG @APlace | @ADisp }
macro @RIAD { @IG @APlace | @ADisp }
macro @RCAD { @CG @APlace | @ADisp }
macro @RND { @G @DispPlace |1rt @NN @NDisp }
macro @RLND { @LG @DispPlace |1rt @NN @NDisp }
macro @RIND { @IG @DispPlace |1rt @NN @NDisp }
macro @RCND { @CG @DispPlace |1rt @NN @NDisp }
macro @RAND { @G @APlace |1rt @NN @ANDisp }
macro @RLAND { @LG @APlace |1rt @NN @ANDisp }
macro @RIAND { @IG @APlace |1rt @NN @ANDisp }
macro @RCAND { @CG @APlace |1rt @NN @ANDisp }
macro @Display { @D }
macro @LeftDisplay { @LD }
macro @IndentedDisplay { @ID }
macro @CentredDisplay { @CD }
macro @CenteredDisplay { @CD }
macro @AlignedDisplay { @AD }
macro @LeftAlignedDisplay { @LAD }
macro @IndentedAlignedDisplay { @IAD }
macro @CentredAlignedDisplay { @CAD }
macro @CenteredAlignedDisplay { @CAD }
macro @NumberedDisplay { @ND }
macro @LeftNumberedDisplay { @LND }
macro @IndentedNumberedDisplay { @IND }
macro @CentredNumberedDisplay { @CND }
macro @CenteredNumberedDisplay { @CND }
macro @AlignedNumberedDisplay { @AND }
macro @LeftAlignedNumberedDisplay { @LAND }
macro @IndentedAlignedNumberedDisplay { @IAND }
macro @CentredAlignedNumberedDisplay { @CAND }
macro @CenteredAlignedNumberedDisplay { @CAND }
macro @RawDisplay { @RD }
macro @RawLeftDisplay { @RLD }
macro @RawIndentedDisplay { @RID }
macro @RawCentredDisplay { @RCD }
macro @RawCenteredDisplay { @RCD }
macro @RawAlignedDisplay { @RAD }
macro @RawLeftAlignedDisplay { @RLAD }
macro @RawIndentedAlignedDisplay { @RIAD }
macro @RawCentredAlignedDisplay { @RCAD }
macro @RawCenteredAlignedDisplay { @RCAD }
macro @RawNumberedDisplay { @RND }
macro @RawLeftNumberedDisplay { @RLND }
macro @RawIndentedNumberedDisplay { @RIND }
macro @RawCentredNumberedDisplay { @RCND }
macro @RawCenteredNumberedDisplay { @RCND }
macro @RawAlignedNumberedDisplay { @RAND }
macro @RawLeftAlignedNumberedDisplay { @RLAND }
macro @RawIndentedAlignedNumberedDisplay { @RIAND }
macro @RawCentredAlignedNumberedDisplay { @RCAND }
macro @RawCenteredAlignedNumberedDisplay { @RCAND }
# #
# Lists and raw lists (except indented lists). #
# #
def @ItemPlace { @Galley }
def @ListItem into { @ItemPlace&&preceding } right x { x }
macro @LI { @ListItem }
def @EndListPlace { @Galley }
def @EndList force into { @EndListPlace&&preceding } {}
macro @EL { @EndList }
def @RLL
named indent { @DispIndent }
named gap { @DispGap }
def @List { |indent @ItemPlace | //gap @List }
@List // @EndListPlace
def @RCL { @RLL indent { 0.5rt } }
macro @LL { @DP @RLL @DP }
macro @CL { @DP @RCL @DP }
macro @RawLeftList { @RLL }
macro @RawCentredList { @RCL }
macro @RawCenteredList { @RCL }
macro @LeftList { @LL }
macro @CentredList { @CL }
macro @CenteredList { @CL }
# #
# Indented lists and raw indented lists, tagged automatically. #
# #
def @RawIndentedList
named style right tag { }
named indent { @DispIndent }
named gap { @DispGap }
named start { 1 }
def @IList right num
{ indent @Wide {style num} | @ItemPlace |
//gap @IList @Next num
@IList start // @EndListPlace
def @RawNumberedList { @RawIndentedList style { tag. } }
def @RawParenNumberedList { @RawIndentedList style { (tag) } }
def @RawRomanList { @RawIndentedList style { {@Roman&&tag}. } }
def @RawParenRomanList { @RawIndentedList style { ({@Roman&&tag}) } }
def @RawUCRomanList { @RawIndentedList style { {@UCRoman&&tag}. } }
def @RawParenUCRomanList { @RawIndentedList style { ({@UCRoman&&tag}) } }
def @RawAlphaList { @RawIndentedList style { {@Alpha&&tag}. } }
def @RawParenAlphaList { @RawIndentedList style { ({@Alpha&&tag}) } }
def @RawUCAlphaList { @RawIndentedList style { {@UCAlpha&&tag}. } }
def @RawParenUCAlphaList { @RawIndentedList style { ({@UCAlpha&&tag}) } }
def @RawBulletList { @RawIndentedList style { @Bullet } }
def @RawStarList { @RawIndentedList style { @Star } }
def @RawDashList { @RawIndentedList style { -- } }
macro @IndentedList { @DP @RawIndentedList @DP }
macro @NumberedList { @DP @RawNumberedList @DP }
macro @ParenNumberedList { @DP @RawParenNumberedList @DP }
macro @RomanList { @DP @RawRomanList @DP }
macro @ParenRomanList { @DP @RawParenRomanList @DP }
macro @UCRomanList { @DP @RawUCRomanList @DP }
macro @ParenUCRomanList { @DP @RawParenUCRomanList @DP }
macro @AlphaList { @DP @RawAlphaList @DP }
macro @ParenAlphaList { @DP @RawParenAlphaList @DP }
macro @UCAlphaList { @DP @RawUCAlphaList @DP }
macro @ParenUCAlphaList { @DP @RawParenUCAlphaList @DP }
macro @BulletList { @DP @RawBulletList @DP }
macro @StarList { @DP @RawStarList @DP }
macro @DashList { @DP @RawDashList @DP }
macro @RIL { @RawIndentedList }
macro @RNL { @RawNumberedList }
macro @RPNL { @RawParenNumberedList }
macro @RRL { @RawRomanList }
macro @RPRL { @RawParenRomanList }
macro @RUCRL { @RawUCRomanList }
macro @RPUCRL { @RawParenUCRomanList }
macro @RAL { @RawAlphaList }
macro @RPAL { @RawParenAlphaList }
macro @RUCAL { @RawUCAlphaList }
macro @RPUCAL { @RawParenUCAlphaList }
macro @RBL { @RawBulletList }
macro @RSL { @RawStarList }
macro @RDL { @RawDashList }
macro @IL { @IndentedList }
macro @NL { @NumberedList }
macro @PNL { @ParenNumberedList }
macro @RL { @RomanList }
macro @PRL { @ParenRomanList }
macro @UCRL { @UCRomanList }
macro @PUCRL { @ParenUCRomanList }
macro @AL { @AlphaList }
macro @PAL { @ParenAlphaList }
macro @UCAL { @UCAlphaList }
macro @PUCAL { @ParenUCAlphaList }
macro @BL { @BulletList }
macro @SL { @StarList }
macro @DL { @DashList }
# #
# Indented lists and raw indented lists, tagged by the author. #
# #
def @TagPlace { @Galley }
def @TagItem into { @ItemPlace&&preceding }
left x
right y
def senditem into { @TagPlace&&preceding } { x }
senditem | y
macro @TI { @TagItem }
def @RawTaggedList
named style right tag { tag }
named indent { @DispIndent }
named gap { @DispGap }
def @LList
{ indent @Wide {style @TagPlace} | @ItemPlace
//gap @LList
@LList // @EndListPlace
def @RawWideTaggedList { @RawTaggedList indent { @WideIndent } }
def @RawVeryWideTaggedList { @RawTaggedList indent { @VeryWideIndent } }
macro @TaggedList { @DP @RawTaggedList @DP }
macro @WideTaggedList { @DP @RawWideTaggedList @DP }
macro @VeryWideTaggedList { @DP @RawVeryWideTaggedList @DP }
macro @RTL { @RawTaggedList }
macro @RWTL { @RawWideTaggedList }
macro @RVWTL { @RawVeryWideTaggedList }
macro @TL { @TaggedList }
macro @WTL { @WideTaggedList }
macro @VWTL { @VeryWideTaggedList }
# #
# Definitions for laying out one general-purpose page. #
# #
def @FullPlace { @Galley }
def @ColPlace { @Galley }
def @IndexPlace { @Galley }
export @Tag
def @TopList right @Tag
//@TopGap @TopList @Next @Tag
export @Tag
def @FootList right @Tag
//@FootGap @FootList @Next @Tag
def @FootSect
@FootLen @Wide @HLine
//@FootGap @FootList 1 ||@FootLen
export @Tag
def @ColFootList right @Tag
//@FootGap @ColFootList @Next @Tag
def @ColFootSect
@ColFootLen @Wide @HLine
//@FootGap @ColFootList 1 ||@ColFootLen
def @ColList right col
def @Column
@VExpand { @ColPlace //1rt @OneRow { //@MidGap @ColFootSect } }
col @Case {
Single @Yield @Column
Double @Yield { @DoubleColWidth @Wide @Column
||@ColGap @ColList col }
Multi @Yield { @MultiColWidth @Wide @Column
||@ColGap @ColList col }
def @IndexColList right col
col @Case {
Single @Yield @VExpand @IndexPlace
Double @Yield { @DoubleColWidth @Wide @VExpand @IndexPlace
||@ColGap @IndexColList col }
Multi @Yield { @MultiColWidth @Wide @VExpand @IndexPlace
||@ColGap @IndexColList col }
def @Page right x
{ @PageWidth @Wide @PageHeight @High
{ //@PageMargin ||@PageMargin
@HExpand @VExpand x
||@PageMargin //@PageMargin
def @OnePage
named @Columns {}
named @PageTop {}
named @PageFoot {}
@Page {
//@MidGap @TopList
//@MidGap @FullPlace
//@MidGap @ColList @Columns
//@MidGap @IndexColList @IndexColumns
// //1rt @OneRow { //@MidGap @FootSect //@MidGap @PageFoot }
# #
# Definitions for laying out introductory pages. #
# #
def @IntroFullPlace { @Galley }
def @IntroColPlace { @Galley }
def @IntroColList right col
def @Column
@VExpand { @IntroColPlace //1rt @OneRow { //@MidGap @ColFootSect } }
col @Case {
Single @Yield @Column
Double @Yield { @DoubleColWidth @Wide @Column
||@ColGap @IntroColList col }
Multi @Yield { @MultiColWidth @Wide @Column
||@ColGap @IntroColList col }
# #
# Page layout for documents other than books (simple and tech. reports) #
# #
def @SimplePageList
named @Columns {}
named @PageNumbers {}
right @PageNum
@PageMarker @PageNum
// @OnePage
@Columns { @Columns }
@PageTop {
@PageNumbers @Case
{Yes yes} @Yield
@PageNum @Case
1 @Yield @PageOneTopFormat @PageNum
else @Yield @PageTopFormat @PageNum
else @Yield @Null
@PageFoot {
@PageNumbers @Case
{Yes yes} @Yield
@PageNum @Case
1 @Yield @PageOneFootFormat @PageNum
else @Yield @PageFootFormat @PageNum
else @Yield @Null
// @SimplePageList
@Columns { @Columns }
@PageNumbers { @PageNumbers }
@Next @PageNum
# #
# Page list for ordinary pages of books. #
# #
def @OddPageList
named @Columns {}
right @PageNum
def @EvenPageList
named @Columns {}
right @PageNum
@PageMarker @PageNum
// @Runner&&following @Open
@Columns { @Columns }
@PageTop { @TopEven @PageNum }
@PageFoot { @FootEven @PageNum }
// @OddPageList
@Columns { @Columns }
@Next @PageNum
@PageMarker @PageNum
// @Runner&&following @Open
@Columns { @Columns }
@PageTop { @TopOdd @PageNum }
@PageFoot { @FootOdd @PageNum }
// @EvenPageList
@Columns { @Columns }
@Next @PageNum
# #
# Page list for introductory pages of books. Unlike @OddPageList and #
# @EvenPageList, this one always generates an even number of pages. #
# #
def @IntroOddPageList
named @Columns {}
right @PageNum
@PageMarker @Roman&&@PageNum
// @Runner&&following @Open
@Page {
@TopOdd @Roman&&@PageNum
//@MidGap @TopList
//@MidGap @IntroFullPlace
//@MidGap @IntroColList @Columns
//@MidGap @IndexColList @IndexColumns
// //1rt @OneRow
{ //@MidGap @FootSect
//@MidGap @FootOdd @Roman&&@PageNum
// @PageMarker @Roman&&{@Next @PageNum}
// @Runner&&following @Open
@Page {
@TopEven @Roman&&{@Next @PageNum}
//@MidGap @TopList
//@MidGap @IntroFullPlace
//@MidGap @IntroColList @Columns
//@MidGap @IndexColList @IndexColumns
// //1rt @OneRow
{ //@MidGap @FootSect
//@MidGap @FootEven @Roman&&{@Next @PageNum}
// @IntroOddPageList
@Columns { @Columns }
@Next @Next @PageNum
# #
# Table of contents. #
# #
def @ContentsPlace { @Galley }
def @ContentsEntry
left lpart
named pregap { @ContentsGap }
right rpart
def @Leaders { .. &4s @Leaders }
def sendentry into { @ContentsPlace&&preceding }
lpart |1rt &2s @Leaders & 2f @Wide {|1rt rpart}
@TableOfContents @Case {
{Yes yes} @Yield sendentry
else @Yield @Null
def @MajorContentsEntry
left lpart
named pregap { @MajorContentsGap }
right rpart
{@B lpart} @ContentsEntry pregap { pregap } rpart
def @ContentsSection
def @ContentsList { @ContentsPlace // @ContentsList }
@TableOfContents @Case {
{Yes yes} @Yield { @BookTitleFormat @ContentsWord // @ContentsList }
else @Yield @Null
# #
# Footnotes. #
# #
def @FullFootNote
named @Tag {}
right x
def ftag
{ @OneRow { @FootList&&@Tag @Open { 0.8f @Font @Tag } ^/0.3vo }
def fnote into { @FootList&&following }
@FootNoteFont @Font @FootNoteBreak @Break
{ @FootList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag ftag & x }
@Null & @FootNoteFont @Font ftag & fnote
def @ColFootNote
named @Tag {}
right x
def ftag
{ @OneRow { @ColFootList&&@Tag @Open { 0.8f @Font @Tag } ^/0.3vo }
def fnote into { @ColFootList&&following }
@FootNoteFont @Font @FootNoteBreak @Break
{ @ColFootList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag ftag & x }
@Null & @FootNoteFont @Font ftag & fnote
# #
# References. #
# #
export @Type @Author @Title @Institution
@Number @Publisher @Year @Proceedings
@Journal @Volume @Pages @Comment
def @Reference
named @Tag { TAG? }
named @Type { TYPE? }
named @Author { AUTHOR? }
named @Title { TITLE? }
named @Institution { INSTITUTION? }
named @Number { NUMBER? }
named @Publisher { PUBLISHER? }
named @Year { YEAR? }
named @Proceedings { PROCEEDINGS? }
named @Journal { JOURNAL? }
named @Volume { VOLUME? }
named @Pages { PAGES? }
named @Comment { @Null }
{ @Null }
export @Style
def @RefStyle
left @Tag
named @Style right reftag {}
@SysDatabase @RefStyle { "refstyles" }
def @RefPrint right reftag
{ @RefStyle&&{ @Reference&&reftag @Open { @Type } }
@Open { @Style reftag }
# #
# Reference collection at end of chapter. #
# #
def @ChapRefPlace { @Galley }
def @ChapRefSection
named @Title { @ReferencesWord }
named style right tag { tag. }
named indent { @DispIndent }
named gap { @DispGap }
named start { 1 }
def @RefList right num
@NumberMarker num &
indent @Wide {style num} | @ChapRefPlace
//gap @RefList @Next num
@Heading @Protect @Title
@RefList start
def @ChapRef right x
def sendref into { @ChapRefPlace&&following }
right @Key
@NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged x &
@PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged x &
@RefPrint x
@NumberMarker&&x @Open { @Tag } sendref x
# #
# Reference collection at end of document. #
# #
def @RefPlace { @Galley }
def @Ref right x
def sendref into { @RefPlace&&following }
right @Key
@NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged x &
@PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged x &
@RefPrint x
@NumberMarker&&x @Open { @Tag } sendref x
def @ReferenceSection
named @Tag {}
named @Title { @ReferencesWord }
named @RunningTitle { dft }
named style right tag { tag. }
named headstyle right @Title { @Heading @Title }
named indent { @DispIndent }
named gap { @DispGap }
named start { 1 }
def @RefList right num
@NumberMarker num &
indent @Wide {style num} | @RefPlace
//gap @RefList @Next num
@Protect headstyle @Title
// @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @Title @MajorContentsEntry {@PageOf @Tag}
// @Runner
@FootEven { |0.5rt 0.8f @Font @B @PageNum }
@FootOdd { |0.5rt 0.8f @Font @B @PageNum }
//@DispGap @RefList start
// @Runner
@TopEven { @B @PageNum }
@TopOdd {
@RunningTitles @Case {
{ Yes yes } @Yield @I {@RunningTitle @OrElse @Title}
else @Yield {}
|1rt @B @PageNum
# #
# Floating figures. #
# #
def @FigurePlace { @Galley }
def @EndFigurePlace { @Galley }
def @FigureGalley into { @TopList&&following }
right prefix
def @FigureList right x
@NumberMarker {prefix}x & ||0.5rt @FigurePlace ||
@FigureList @Next x
@FigureList 1
def @EndFigures force into { @EndFigurePlace&&following } {}
def @Figure into { @FigurePlace&&following }
named @Caption {}
named @Tag {}
right @Body
||0.5rt @HContract @Body
@NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
@PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
@B { @FigureWord {@NumberOf @Tag}. } @Caption
# #
# Floating tables. #
# #
def @TablePlace { @Galley }
def @EndTablePlace { @Galley }
def @TableGalley into { @TopList&&following }
right prefix
def @TableList right x
@NumberMarker {prefix}x & ||0.5rt @TablePlace ||
@TableList @Next x
@TableList 1
def @EndTables force into { @EndTablePlace&&following } {}
def @Table into { @TablePlace&&following }
named @Caption {}
named @Tag {}
right @Body
||0.5rt @HContract @Body
@NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
@PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
@B { @TableWord {@NumberOf @Tag}. } @Caption
# #
# Lists of chapters, sections, subsections, and appendices. #
# #
export @Tag
def @ChapterList right @Tag
//@ChapterGap @ChapterList @Next @Tag
export @Tag
def @SectionList right @Tag
//@SectionGap @SectionList @Next @Tag
export @Tag
def @SubSectionList right @Tag
//@SubSectionGap @SubSectionList @Next @Tag
export @Tag
def @AppendixList right @Tag
//@AppendixGap @AppendixList @Next @Tag
export @Tag
def @SubAppendixList right @Tag
//@SubAppendixGap @SubAppendixList @Next @Tag
# #
# Body text. #
# #
export @ColText @FootNote
@BeginSections @EndSections @BeginAppendices @EndAppendices
def @Text force into { @FullPlace&&preceding }
body x
def @FootNote right x { @FullFootNote x }
def @EndSectionsPlace { @Galley }
def @EndSections force into { @EndSectionsPlace&&preceding } {}
macro @BeginSections
{ //@SectionGap @SectionList 1 // @EndSectionsPlace // }
def @EndAppendicesPlace { @Galley }
def @EndAppendices force into { @EndAppendicesPlace&&preceding } {}
macro @BeginAppendices
{ //@AppendixGap @AppendixList 1 // @EndAppendicesPlace //}
export @FootNote
def @ColText force into { @ColPlace&&following }
body x
def @FootNote right x { @ColFootNote x }
export @FootNote
@BeginSections @EndSections @BeginAppendices @EndAppendices
def @ColText force into { @ColPlace&&preceding }
body x
def @FootNote right x { @ColFootNote x }
def @EndSectionsPlace { @Galley }
def @EndSections force into { @EndSectionsPlace&&preceding } {}
macro @BeginSections
{ //@SectionGap @SectionList 1 // @EndSectionsPlace // }
def @EndAppendicesPlace { @Galley }
def @EndAppendices force into { @EndAppendicesPlace&&preceding } {}
macro @BeginAppendices
{ //@AppendixGap @AppendixList 1 // @EndAppendicesPlace //}
# #
# Abstract. #
# #
def @AbstractPlace { @Galley }
export @FootNote
def @Abstract into { @AbstractPlace&&preceding }
named @Title { @AbstractWord }
body x
def @FootNote right x { @FullFootNote x }
|0.5rt @I @Title
//@DispGap x
# #
# Preface. #
# #
def @PrefacePlace { @Galley }
export @FootNote @BeginFigures @BeginTables
def @Preface force into { @PrefacePlace&&preceding }
named @Tag {}
named @Title { @PrefaceWord }
named @RunningTitle { dft }
body @Body
def @FootNote right x { @ColFootNote x }
macro @BeginFigures { @FigureGalley {} }
macro @BeginTables { @TableGalley {} }
ragged @Break @BookTitleFormat @Title
// @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @Body
//@SectionGap @ChapRefSection
# #
# Introduction. #
# #
def @IntroductionPlace { @Galley }
export @FootNote @BeginFigures @BeginTables
def @Introduction force into { @IntroductionPlace&&preceding }
named @Tag {}
named @Title { @IntroductionWord }
named @RunningTitle { dft }
body @Body
def @FootNote right x { @ColFootNote x }
macro @BeginFigures { @FigureGalley {} }
macro @BeginTables { @TableGalley {} }
ragged @Break @BookTitleFormat @Title
// @Runner
@FootEven { |0.5rt 0.8f @Font @B @PageNum }
@FootOdd { |0.5rt 0.8f @Font @B @PageNum }
// @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @Title @MajorContentsEntry {@PageOf @Tag}
// @Body
//@SectionGap @ChapRefSection
// @Runner
@TopEven { @B @PageNum }
@TopOdd {
@RunningTitles @Case {
{ Yes yes } @Yield @I {@RunningTitle @OrElse @Title}
else @Yield {}
|1rt @B @PageNum
# #
# Chapters containing sections and subsections. #
# #
export @FootNote @BeginFigures @BeginTables
@BeginSections @EndSections @Section
def @Chapter force into { @ChapterList&&preceding }
named @Tag {}
named @Title {}
named @RunningTitle { dft }
body @Body
def @FootNote right x { @ColFootNote x }
macro @BeginFigures { @FigureGalley {@NumberOf @Tag}. }
macro @BeginTables { @TableGalley {@NumberOf @Tag}. }
def @EndSectionsPlace { @Galley }
def @EndSections force into { @EndSectionsPlace&&preceding } {}
macro @BeginSections
{ //@SectionGap @SectionList 1 // @EndSectionsPlace // }
export @BeginSubSections @EndSubSections @SubSection
def @Section force into { @SectionList&&preceding }
named @Tag {}
named @Title {}
named @RunningTitle { dft }
body @Body
def @EndSubSectsPlace { @Galley }
def @EndSubSections force into { @EndSubSectsPlace&&preceding } {}
macro @BeginSubSections
{ //@SubSectionGap @SubSectionList 1// @EndSubSectsPlace//}
def @SubSection force into { @SubSectionList&&preceding }
named @Tag {}
named @Title {}
named @RunningTitle { dft }
body @Body
def @SubSectionTitle
@SubSectionNumbers @Case {
{Yes yes} @Yield { {@NumberOf @Tag}. |2s @Title }
else @Yield @Title
@MinorHeading @Protect @SubSectionTitle
// @NumberMarker {
{@ChapterList&&@Tag @Open { @Tag }}.{
@SectionList&&@Tag @Open { @Tag }}.{
@SubSectionList&&@Tag @Open { @Tag }}
// @ChapterList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @SectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @SubSectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// {&5f @SubSectionTitle} @ContentsEntry {@PageOf @Tag}
//0io @Body
def @SectionTitle
@SectionNumbers @Case {
{Yes yes} @Yield { {@NumberOf @Tag}. |2s @Title }
else @Yield @Title
@Heading @Protect @SectionTitle
// @NumberMarker {
{@ChapterList&&@Tag @Open { @Tag }}.{
@SectionList&&@Tag @Open { @Tag }}
// @ChapterList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @SectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// { &3f @SectionTitle } @ContentsEntry {@PageOf @Tag}
//0io @Body
def @ChapterTitle
@ChapterNumbers @Case {
{Yes yes} @Yield { @ChapterWord {@NumberOf @Tag}. |2s @Title }
else @Yield @Title
def @ChapterNum
@ChapterNumbers @Case {
{Yes yes} @Yield { @ChapterWord {@NumberOf @Tag} }
else @Yield @Null
ragged @Break @BookTitleFormat @ChapterTitle
// @NumberMarker {
@ChapterList&&@Tag @Open { @Tag }
// @ChapterList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// { @ChapterTitle } @MajorContentsEntry {@PageOf @Tag}
// @Runner
@FootEven { |0.5rt 0.8f @Font @B @PageNum }
@FootOdd { |0.5rt 0.8f @Font @B @PageNum }
// @Body
//@SectionGap @ChapRefSection
// @Runner
@TopEven { @B @PageNum |1rt @I @ChapterNum }
@TopOdd {
@RunningTitles @Case {
{ Yes yes } @Yield @I {@RunningTitle @OrElse @Title}
else @Yield {}
|1rt @B @PageNum
# #
# Sections containing subsections. #
# #
export @FootNote @BeginFigures @BeginTables
@BeginSubSections @SubSection @EndSubSections
def @Section force into { @SectionList&&preceding }
named @Tag {}
named @Title {}
named @RunningTitle { dft }
body @Body
def @FootNote right x { @ColFootNote x }
macro @BeginFigures { @FigureGalley {@NumberOf @Tag}. }
macro @BeginTables { @TableGalley {@NumberOf @Tag}. }
def @EndSubSectsPlace { @Galley }
def @EndSubSections force into { @EndSubSectsPlace&&preceding } {}
macro @BeginSubSections
{ //@SubSectionGap @SubSectionList 1 // @EndSubSectsPlace // }
def @SubSection force into { @SubSectionList&&preceding }
named @Tag {}
named @Title {}
named @RunningTitle { dft }
right @Body
def @SubSectionTitle
@SubSectionNumbers @Case {
{Yes yes} @Yield { {@NumberOf @Tag}. |2s @Title }
else @Yield @Title
@MinorHeading @Protect @SubSectionTitle
// @NumberMarker {
{@SectionList&&@Tag @Open { @Tag }}.{
@SubSectionList&&@Tag @Open { @Tag }}
// @SubSectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @SectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
//0io @Body
def @SectionTitle
@SectionNumbers @Case {
{Yes yes} @Yield { {@NumberOf @Tag}. |2s @Title }
else @Yield @Title
@Heading @Protect @SectionTitle
// @NumberMarker {
@SectionList&&@Tag @Open { @Tag }
// @SectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
//0io @Body
# #
# Appendices. #
# #
export @FootNote @BeginFigures @BeginTables
@BeginSubAppendices @SubAppendix @EndSubAppendices
def @Appendix force into { @AppendixList&&preceding }
named @Tag {}
named @Title {}
named @RunningTitle { dft }
body @Body
def @FootNote right x { @ColFootNote x }
macro @BeginFigures { @FigureGalley {@NumberOf @Tag}. }
macro @BeginTables { @TableGalley {@NumberOf @Tag}. }
def @EndSubAppendicesPlace { @Galley }
def @EndSubAppendices force into {@EndSubAppendicesPlace&&preceding} {}
macro @BeginSubAppendices
{ //@SubAppendixGap @SubAppendixList 1 // @EndSubAppendicesPlace // }
def @SubAppendix force into { @SubAppendixList&&preceding }
named @Tag {}
named @Title {}
named @RunningTitle { dft }
right @Body
def @SubAppendixTitle
@SubAppendixNumbers @Case {
{Yes yes} @Yield { {@NumberOf @Tag}. |2s @Title }
else @Yield @Title
@Heading @Protect @SubAppendixTitle
// @NumberMarker {
{@AppendixList&&@Tag @Open { @Tag }}.{
@SubAppendixList&&@Tag @Open { @Tag }}
// @SubAppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @AppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @SubAppendixTitle @ContentsEntry {@PageOf @Tag}
//0io @Body
def @AppendixTitle
@AppendixNumbers @Case {
{Yes yes} @Yield { @AppendixWord {@NumberOf @Tag}. |2s @Title }
else @Yield { @AppendixWord. @Title }
def @AppendixNum
@AppendixNumbers @Case {
{Yes yes} @Yield { @NumberOf @Tag }
else @Yield @Null
ragged @Break @BookTitleFormat @AppendixTitle
// @NumberMarker {
@AppendixList&&@Tag @Open { @UCAlpha&&@Tag }
// @AppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @AppendixTitle @MajorContentsEntry {@PageOf @Tag}
// @Runner
@FootEven { |0.5rt 0.8f @Font @B @PageNum }
@FootOdd { |0.5rt 0.8f @Font @B @PageNum }
// @Body
//@SectionGap @ChapRefSection
// @Runner
@TopEven { @B @PageNum |1rt @I { @AppendixWord @AppendixNum } }
@TopOdd {
@RunningTitles @Case {
{ Yes yes } @Yield @I {@RunningTitle @OrElse @Title}
else @Yield {}
|1rt @B @PageNum
# #
# Index. #
# #
def @IndexList { @Galley //1vx @IndexList }
def @IndexSection
named @Tag {}
named @Title { @IndexWord }
named @RunningTitle { dft }
named headstyle right @Title { @Heading @Title //@DispGap }
def @IndexBody into { @IndexPlace&&following }
{ // @IndexList
// @Runner
@TopEven { @B @PageNum }
@TopOdd {
@RunningTitles @Case {
{ Yes yes } @Yield @I {@RunningTitle @OrElse @Title}
else @Yield {}
|1rt @B @PageNum
def indexsection
headstyle @Title
// @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
// @Title @MajorContentsEntry {@PageOf @Tag}
// @Runner
@FootEven { |0.5rt 0.8f @Font @B @PageNum }
@FootOdd { |0.5rt 0.8f @Font @B @PageNum }
// @IndexBody
@MakeIndex @Case {
{Yes yes} @Yield indexsection
else @Yield @Null
def @SendIndex
left key
right @Body
def sendindex into { @IndexList&&following }
left @Key
right @Body
outdent @Break @Body
@MakeIndex @Case {
{Yes yes} @Yield {key sendindex @Body}
else @Yield @Null
def @RawIndex left x right y { {@PageMark x} x @SendIndex { &0f y } }
def @RawSubIndex left x right y { {@PageMark x} x @SendIndex { &1f y } }
def @RawSubSubIndex left x right y { {@PageMark x} x @SendIndex { &2f y } }
def @Index left x right y { x @RawIndex { y, {@PageOf x} } }
def @SubIndex left x right y { x @RawSubIndex { y, {@PageOf x} } }
def @SubSubIndex left x right y { x @RawSubSubIndex { y, {@PageOf x} } }
def @IndexBlanks
b @RawIndex {} c @RawIndex {} d @RawIndex {} e @RawIndex {}
f @RawIndex {} g @RawIndex {} h @RawIndex {} i @RawIndex {}
j @RawIndex {} k @RawIndex {} l @RawIndex {} m @RawIndex {}
n @RawIndex {} o @RawIndex {} p @RawIndex {} q @RawIndex {}
r @RawIndex {} s @RawIndex {} t @RawIndex {} u @RawIndex {}
v @RawIndex {} w @RawIndex {} x @RawIndex {} y @RawIndex {}
z @RawIndex {}
# #
# Document. #
# #
def @Document
named @InitialFont { @InitialFont }
named @InitialBreak { @InitialBreak }
named @Hyphenate { @Hyphenate }
named @PageNumbers { @PageNumbers }
named @FirstPageNumber { @FirstPageNumber }
named @Columns { @Columns }
{ Times Base 12p } @Font @InitialFont @Font
{ {@Hyph @Hyphenate} adjust 1.20fx } @Break @InitialBreak @Break
// @FigureGalley {}
// @TableGalley {}
// @SimplePageList
@Columns { @Columns }
@PageNumbers { @PageNumbers }
macro @Doc { @Document // }
# #
# Report. #
# #
def @Report
named @Title {}
named @Author {}
named @Institution {}
named @DateLine { @Date }
named @InitialFont { @InitialFont }
named @InitialBreak { @InitialBreak }
named @Hyphenate { @Hyphenate }
named @PageNumbers { @PageNumbers }
named @Columns { @Columns }
def @TitleMaterial
|0.5rt @B {{clines 1.4vx} @Break @Title} |
//0.25i |0.5rt @I {clines @Break @Author} |
//0.25i |0.5rt clines @Break @Institution |
def @ReportContent force into { @ColPlace&&following }
@SectionList 1
//@AppendixGap @AppendixList 1
//@SectionGap @ReferenceSection
{ Times Base 12p } @Font @InitialFont @Font
{ {@Hyph @Hyphenate} adjust 1.20fx } @Break @InitialBreak @Break
# cover sheet
// @PageMarker 0
// @Page {
//1i @TitleMaterial
//0.5i |0.5rt @OneCol { |0.5i @AbstractPlace |0.5i }
//1i @DateLine
//1rt @OneRow { //@MidGap @FootSect }
// @FigureGalley {}
// @TableGalley {}
// @ReportContent
# first page
// @PageMarker 1
// @Page
@PageNumbers @Case
{Yes yes} @Yield @PageOneTopFormat num
else @Yield @Null
//0.5i @TitleMaterial
//@MidGap @ColList @Columns
//1rt @OneRow
@PageNumbers @Case
{Yes yes} @Yield @PageOneFootFormat num
else @Yield @Null
# subsequent pages
// @SimplePageList
@Columns { @Columns }
@PageNumbers { @PageNumbers }
# #
# Book. #
# #
def @Book
named @Title {}
named @Author {}
named @Edition {}
named @Publisher {}
named @InitialFont { @InitialFont }
named @InitialBreak { @InitialBreak }
named @Hyphenate { @Hyphenate }
def @BookIntro force into { @IntroColPlace&&preceding }
@BookCoverFont @Font
{ //1i |0.5rt 2.5f @Font {1.2fx clines} @Break @Title |
//2i |0.5rt clines @Break @Author |
//1i |0.5rt clines @Break @Edition |
//1rt @OneRow @Publisher
// @Runner
//1.1b @PrefacePlace
//1.1b @ContentsSection
def @BookBody force into { @ColPlace&&preceding }
//@ChapterGap @ChapterList 1
//@AppendixGap @AppendixList 1
//1.1b @ReferenceSection
headstyle { ragged @Break @BookTitleFormat @Title }
//1.1b @IndexSection
headstyle { ragged @Break @BookTitleFormat @Title }
{ Times Base 12p } @Font @InitialFont @Font
{ {@Hyph @Hyphenate} adjust 1.20fx } @Break @InitialBreak @Break
@IntroOddPageList @Columns { Single } 1
// @Runner
@FootEven { @PageNum }
@FootOdd { |1rt @PageNum }
// @OddPageList @Columns { Single } 1
// @BookIntro
// @BookBody
// @Runner
@End @DocumentLayout